Our Year: Princess Alexandra Hospital Annual Review

Just one year after coming out of special measures the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow is celebrating major advances in all of its improvement criteria – 'the Five Ps'. To mark the year's achievements Chief Executive Lance McCarthy and his executive team thanked PAHT's brilliant staff for their fantastic commitment and achievements in a short film, with subtitles for accessibility. 

Watch the film here

The film was complemented with a newsletter: 'Our Year'.

Media Studio Shot and edited the film within a week, filming interviews with Lance McCarthy, CEO; Sharon McNally, Director of Nursing and Midwifery; Dr Andy Morris, Chief Medical Officer; Ogechi Emeadi, Director of People, Organisational Development and Communications; and Stephanie Lawton, Chief Operating Officer. Revisiting the hospital it was clear to our team that great improvements had been made, with a more welcoming, contemporary main entrance setting the tone for a Trust that is on its way up and planning for an exciting future in a brand new hospital.

Media Studio also turned the newsletter around in record time, working with Laura Warren, Associate Director of Communications, who helped enormously by producing copy in time to meet the tight printing deadlines. Two thousand copies of the newsletter were delivered on time for the launch of the celebrations.