Mel arrives in Myanmar

Day 1 - Filming & Photography in Yangon, Myanmar.

This morning I was met at the airport by Maggs Hamilton (trauma nurse). She was very kind & helpful with updates on the Addenbrooke's Abroad work so far and an introduction to Myanmar life as we were driven through the bustling life and heat of Yangon traffic. I was then very soon introduced to Thinn Thinn Halaing (Pathology) and two 'Improving Global Health' fellows, Drs Alex Monkhouse & Sophie Ross.

At the University of Medicine I was able to catch up with Barry Smith (Clinical Skills), who was preparing rows of limbs and other training aids for his workshop, which is to be held tomorrow. Outside the heat from the sun is so powerful – umbrellas are used for protection to walk from building to building, whilst both men & women are looking very elegant in the Burmese longyi.  Mel Yeneralski

