Welcome to Royal Papworth Hospital

Planning and organising are key aspects of any filming job, but unfortunately events can sometimes intervene. The  recently-announced delay in the completion of the new Royal Papworth Hospital must be very frustrating to all concerned but, having spent some time visiting the site and then filming around the building we think it will be worth the wait. Although there was still a lot of finishing work to be done, we could see what a fantastic modern hospital it will be.

Mark and Andrew in full PPE filming on the Royal Papworth Hospital site

Media Studio is filming at the Royal Papworth to make a welcome film for staff of the Trust. The film will help explain many of the changes that go with moving from the village of Papworth Everard to this fantastic new building. Although filming is currently paused, we are expecting to get back into the building at the end of August to get some shots of areas that are near to completion.