Calling a Group

AV Services  /  Videoconferencing  /  Starleaf  / Starleaf guides & videos  /  Calling a Group

A group is made of your selected contacts for regular meetings or chat conversations

To make an instant group video meeting:

  • MeetNow Group
  1. Search for a group by typing the group name into the search or dial box (you can do this from the Favorites, Chat, or Calls tab).
  2. Select the group.
  • MeetNow
  1. In the group, select the Group video meeting icon as shown above
  • MeetNow Start
  1. On a desktop, select Start.
  2. On a mobile device, select Meet now.
  • MeetNow Join
  1. Other participants in your group can join the meeting by going onto the group chat and selecting Join


See also
Creating a group


AV Services  /  Videoconferencing  /  Starleaf  / Starleaf guides & videos  /  Calling a Group