CUH recycling campaign shows the value of good design

The popular Food Court at Addenbrooke's Hospital produces a lot of waste, which is comprised of a mixture of waste food, empty cups, and packaging. Throwing all these items into one bin makes it difficult and expensive to get it recycled. Today saw the launch of a recycling initiative which makes it easy to separate items into different bins, clearly labelled to separate food waste from paper, card, tins, bottles and plastic wrappings.

Recycling saves money – around 70% on food waste and 50% on non-food recycling – so changing to 100% reycling not only helps the environment but saves money for the Trust.

Media Studio worked with Richard Hales, Energy Sustainability Manager, to design and produce labelling, pop-up displays and vinyl signage for the staff area of the Food Court. The bright green branding helps to promote the campaign and make it easy to follow recycling instructions.