Protecting patients with new hand washing campaign

Today, to coincide with World Hand Hygiene Day, CUH launched a new hand washing campaign with a striking display at the entrance of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The large-scale campaign banners and images are hard to ignore as you enter the Unit. Hand hygiene is our best defence against the spread of infection, so washing hands before coming into clinical areas is something that everyone should do.

Working closely with Mark Dwyer in CUH's Communications Department, Media Studio photographed, designed and produced the first of many targeted hand hygiene campaign displays. In each clinical area we aim to emphasise the vulnerability of patients with high-impact photographs and bold statements in order to maximise compliance by staff and visitors with the message, 'Protect me, don't infect me'. Look out for new displays appearing at the entrance to wards and departments over the coming weeks.