Join a meeting via Citrix

AV Services  /  Videoconferencing  /  Pulse MDT  /  


How to Join a meeting via Citrix or remote working

If you are working from home or using Citrix please follow these steps to ensure a trouble free meeting experience - Join a Pulse meeting

  1. Make a note of meeting number and the web link
  2. Close Citrix
  3. From the Start menu of you computer, open Microsoft Edge (not Chrome)   (please ensure you use the browser from your local desktop, not the browser in the Citrix environment)
  4. Enter the web link details in the address bar
    1. If prompted - allow your mic and camera
      1. You should see yourself if your camera is working - if not click on the three dots to set camera and microphone
    2. If prompted - Enter your full name
  5. Select Video
  6. Enter meeting number and press enter to join

The Citrix / remote access applications can be opened again once connected.


If this process is not followed you will get a poor connection, 
i.e. if you have Citrix open when you connect to the conference.






AV Services  /  Videoconferencing  /  Pulse MDT  /  FAQ  /  Joining a Meeting